Friday, May 14, 2010

Life Isn't Fair

Okay, so be warned that I might be a little whiny in this post. When you are little you always think that when you are an adult (not sure if I'm quite there yet still) that you'll be able to handle everything that you need to. Who fed me that load of crap? We just paid off our cars this last week and were looking forward to being completely debt free (besides the house) by the end of summer. And then...duh, duh, duh...our air-conditioner decided to stop working. We had someone out to the house yesterday to see if they can repair it and they said it is "virtually impossible" and that it would have to be replaced (and that the furnace should be replaced at the same time since the equipment is pretty much as old as I am). Okay, I was digesting this information and then they inform me it could cost $5,000 just for our condo. WHAT? We don't want to live in an ice box just have it be under 80 degrees. Add to that the bill to "hold us over for a week or so" of $218. It seems really unfair that I have to buy a new unit when I don't even want to live there anymore and would really like to sell the place in 6 months or so (which I'm sure we can't do until there is a new unit installed).

Why don't adults tell us how bad situations like this suck before we get there? In my case probably because I would have fought harder not to grow up. I know that we'll be find but it just seems really unfair. I guess if life was fair there would be pigs and cows everywhere!

Hopefully we'll be able to find a better bid than the first one. Wish us luck!

1 comment:

  1. Wait...what's the connection between pigs and cows and fairness? Also, you're cool...even if the air in your condo isn't at present. I hope you can find a cheaper bid.
