We had such a fun Easter. Saturday we went to a park and had a picnic with my family. My mom had prepared "races" with wind up bunnies, chicks and a warterhog? That one was for Uncle Kevin and he smokes them all. The kids had a fun time finding easter eggs and playing on the jungle gym. We had some balls and jumpropes that were a blast as well.
Later that day we went with Scott, Kitty & Ramon to see Zorro:The Musical at Hale Center Theater. It was a birthday present for Kevin and we loved it. We were warm from our sunburns but enjoyed ourselves.
On Sunday we had a yummy Easter dinner at Purcell's with Scott, Kitty, Ramon, Joannie, Brady & Ryan. Honeybaked Ham...need I say more?
We're so grateful for our families and the time of the year to remember our Savior's sacrifices for us!